Well, we have arrived in 2025...
A new year and a new beginning find us in January, but the beginning of the year can be such a blur. We find ourselves still living in the past year, not yet totally landed in the current year. In our local community of Belgrave, in the Dandenong Ranges, on the lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin
Nation in Victoria, some people on holidays, including kids, and most of us are living in semi-holiday mode, trying to get back into some routine.
All the while, the hot days of January hang over us, calling for new resolutions to
be set, or last year's resolutions to be met.
Despite our best efforts, we often find ourselves slipping into old patterns.
Jodie, Owner of Ananda Yoga
So ask yourself. Are your goals truely aligned with self growth?
A confronting question, yes, but many of us begin the year determined to fix something in our lives. Maybe it’s implementing a daily meditation or yoga practice. Perhaps it is focusing on eating better or breaking a habit.
Whatever it is that you are working on, if those goals are not aligned with self-growth, then, despite your best efforts, you can find yourself slipping back into old patterns.
So consider for a moment... what if the issue is the resolutions themselves, and not your self-discipline? Are your goals truly aligned with your own growth, or are they rooted in someone else’s karma? Let us unpack this. At Ananda Yoga Belgrave, we meet people where they are on their journey, but way too often we see people choose goals that don't challenge them, or we meet people that swing to the opposite extreme and jump all in with overly ambitious plans, like deciding to meditate for two hours every morning. Ultimately, neither undercommitment nor overcommitment will fulfill the goal. You'll only set yourself up for disappointment.
Choose commitment
The simpler goal is to commit. The real work begins when you allow yourself to show up. Make a decision to build your relationship with yourself and your practice. This may look like 5 minutes a day, and that is okay. This is a 5-minute step to a sustainable goal.
What we love about our community at Ananda Yoga Belgrave is that we have a shared goal. We support each other, our practicing community, and our teaching community; we are one. We help each other to set realistic goals and encourage each other to grow. We don't just go through the practice of Yoga, we "grow" through the practice of Yoga. True growth lies in the steady, unglamorous work that matches your current reality. Just like in our asana (posture) practice, finding the balance between effort and ease, ‘sthira sukham asanam.’
Part of the spiritual journey is meeting ourselves where we are. It takes humility and self-honesty to say, “This is what I need to focus on now,” regardless of the never-ending to-do list.
As Sri Krishnamacharya said
“Yoga is the process of replacing old patterns with new and more appropriate patterns.”
Progress isn’t about mastering headstands or advanced postures - it’s about showing up consistently and authentically on the path that’s uniquely yours.
At Ananda Yoga, we believe that yoga is for everyone. You just need to start.
So let’s start this year with compassion and take steps that are genuinely yours. That is enough.
If you're looking to get started, then try our 14-day unlimited Intro Pass and try any or all of our available yoga classes for only $37*.
Jodie xx
*14 day unlimited pass is available to new studio students only. Pricing is subject to change without notice. See this product for full ts&cs